Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween 2007

Today is Max's first Halloween. He celebrated yesterday with his first Halloween party at daycare. Attached are pictures of him with his class and his teachers Miss Jennifer and Miss Yolanda. As you can see he was the life of the party- or did someone spike the formula punch bowl?


Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Trip October 2007

Here are some pics from Max's first airplane ride to Arizona. He was an angel on the plane; not a peep either trip. He loved visiting Grandpap, Grandma, Uncle Garrett, Aunt Marni, and Ellie. We can't wait to go back so we can all meet his new cousin Zac.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Max and family

Some photos of Max with his grandparents and Aunt Gianna

Max and Friends

Max has had lots of visitors- here are some photos of him with his new friends- Tiia, Michele, Chris, Karen, and Becky!
